When coming up with new ideas and strategies, a important factor for any business to look at are the marketing trends currently, as well as trying to predict future trends. With this in mind, looking at 2016 and the possible trends it could hold would be beneficial for not just businesses, but students of business trying to see what it takes to predict such things. Forbes.com has a great article found here, looking at trends that it sees as very possible for the new year .
One of the key trends that the article mentions is that customer experience will become much more prominent then it has been in the last couple of years. Instead of just spewing out advertisements in a repetitive manner, this prediction suggests that building an experience around your product and making yourself memorable through this experience in going to become vital for new businesses. This prediction is being made not due to a certain event of product being made, but more so because big businesses like Apple and Google are paving the way for this to happen. It isn't so much a "this will immediately happen" prediction as it is a gradual change that will ignite in 2016.
The other big prediction is that marketing firms will finally recognize Social Media as a channel, not a strategy. "What's the difference?" you might ask. What making it a channel, or a necessary action to transfer ownership of the product or service from producer to consumer, does is it legitimizes it as something that is NEEDED in every plan. Instead of only the "hip" or the "new age" companies being the ones using social media, this prediction suggests that marketers everywhere will realize that this is a must have for every business. It is not just a strategy to employ when you need a younger market, it is a legitimate channel to distribute you product and should be utilized by all. This is a key reason why this is predicted, for social media has already become a vital "strategy" that companies are using and seeing as more then just a strategy.
Though these predictions may seem bold to some, but they are based on educated assumptions and previous market knowledge. Being able to work with these predictions to further your companies market promotion is vital, and knowing how to make your own can set you ahead of your competitors.
Picture: Bedgood, Larisa. Customer Experience Showcase. Digital image. Http://www.business2community.com/. 4 Feb. 2015. Web. 7 Apr. 2016. <http://www.business2community.com/customer-experience/customer-experience-new-battleground-winning-customer-loyalty-01145484#PgJbyDIigV2DPs3Q.97>.
Article: Newman, Daniel. "The Top 10 Marketing Trends That Will Define 2016." Forbes. Forbes Magazine, 03 Nov. 2013. Web. 07 Apr. 2016.
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ReplyDeleteBy Dan O.
ReplyDeleteIt was really interesting to see how trends are used by businesses, but also about how they are predicted. I hope that I haven't fallen for a business's marketing tactic using trends.