According to Forbes, this is only the beginning. More and more companies are most likely going to start adopting this strategy in the future. Up until recently, people have failed to recognize women in the retail and purchasing. Thus, companies have failed to market and advertise correctly to women as a whole. Women are the most powerful consumers, spending the most amount of money on products. They buy more household products, and cars than men. Also, they go on equal amounts of business trips as men and control equal amounts of wealth.
So, why have women just recently become the main focus of advertising and marketing strategies? Women have always purchased an immense
amount of products, just go look in any girls medicine cabinet for proof. It could quite possibly be because men, for the most part in the past, have been the main focus due to their overwhelming amount of power in our society. As more women are being added to the business field, they create a voice for other women in marketing and advertising. Women are only going to keep gaining more power, and this is only the beginning when it comes to marketing and advertising strategies.
This is a very good article. I believe it is a good step in the right direction that women are becoming more recognized as equal to men.